A group of people sitting at a table with papers.

First Appointment

We are often asked what to expect in the First Appointment when a new customer schedules his or her initial complimentary consultation, so we created this webpage explaining everything you need to know.

First, the Easy Details

We schedule first appointments for one hour because that typically gives us enough time for most people's concerns.

A person using their laptop to color the image.

There is No Charge for the First Appointment

The general agenda for the meeting is: talking through your story and your goals, collecting the relevant data, and discussing your concerns and goals. The follow-up from the first meeting is tailored to your circumstances.

A group of people in front of a screen.

What to Bring

We are going to ask about your existing investments, budget, and debts.

  • For your investments, it is helpful if you bring a recent statement for each account because a statement tells us more than you might imagine. 
  • For your debt, just bring a list of who you owe and about how much you owe. For your house, it is also helpful if you know how much longer you'll be paying for the house.
  • For your 401(k) plans, please also bring a list of all of your choices. There is a page on your 401(k) website where performance is listed, usually called Performance (but not always).
  • If you have had a retirement plan done by another advisor at some point in time, it's also helpful to bring that along.
  • If you have left a company, and they have sent you paperwork that you may need, please bring it as well.

Fees after the First Appointment

We offer a variety of pricing mechanisms, including fee-based, fee-for-service, commission, and hourly fees. Once we know more about your story and your needs, we can simplify the pricing for you.

We look forward to meeting you and, please, pause and consider wisely!

A person is writing on some papers with a calculator